Ok boys and girls, todays lesson is: doorknobs and doorlocks. Pay close attention to the top thingamahwhatsus and if you look real close you will see the other half of what was once a whole key inside the @#%$! thingahmawhatsus. Please note the lower doorknob, believed to be over a hundred years old. Now boys and girls, we all know that when things get that old they don't @#$%$# work that well. Right boys and girls? Right. And when things don't work that well, what do we do boys and girls? First we take a crow bar to open the door anywhich way we can(hence deep grooves on the other side of the door), next we loosen everything and remove the old !#$%^ parts so we can replace them with new parts. All should be going well boys and girls up until you want to remove the 'old' doorknob, (remember when we talked about things that are old don't work that well any more?) This is one of those occasions boys and girls. The lower doorknob will not, I repeat - WILL NOT - come apart.
Boys and girls, when things in THIS OLD HOUSE do not come apart as they are supposed to - the 'fixer' gets herself another cup of coffee, takes some pictures of said @#$%# door, and then blogs, blogs, blogs.
Ya'll have a nice day now ya'hear!
Wow. Crap.
So, good coping mechanism with the coffee and blogging thing. Breathe. Have you always been patient, or have you developed that?
Actually I'm working on a six decade plan.
Sis, what you need is a handy man.
Oh Jim, what a can of worms you just opened up. Be scared Jim, be very scared... he.he.he.
I believe in this house that would be 'handy woman' Jim. Oops, gotta go get me one of those worms ~
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